Sunday, January 29, 2012

Happy New Year to Me!

So hey, here I am again. it's the end of January and I'm back to write a little. Obviously this is written mostly for my own catharsis but hey if you stumble upon this blog and like any of it or don't like it drop me a note saying you stopped by, it'd be fun to know.

A bit fun to look back at some of the stuff i had written last year. Looks like I tried to turn it into my personal fitness journal for a while. Blogging all that didn't workout so well, but just an update there. I now weigh 243 at last chec,k thast 7 lbs. less than last year at this time so I have that going for me right? Anyway I sold most of my weights and an am now doing body weight circuits. It is very quick which is nice since i'm still really busy with the boys and work and the house and oh ya, another baby on the way in August I think. So ya, lots to do. I'm following several trainers online to help keep me motivated and get advise and news from when needed its been going great.

Did I mention a new baby on the way? Ya, number 3 on deck! Super excited/nervous. Not really nervous about the baby, at least not the way you are with the first but just life in general wise.

Seems I have Ideas about doing my own thing. Rachel, my wife, really wants to get out of dodge. Would like to move back up to her hometown to be near her best friend and family. That will mean a job change for me and i'd like to make it something I can sustain. Not just another job that I will end up hating after a few years. I've thought about doing my own small weld shop with emphasis on bike and trike frames. But I'm really stalled we can't afford to do the things we need to do to this house let alone buy a lot of expensive equipment for a business Idea that may never take off.

One Idea to help solve some of the money/dept issues we have would be to pool resources with family. IE: my family is really close and the fact is either of our houses is big enough to house all of us temporarily anyway. I think it would go along way toward getting everyone out of debt if we just sold one house and lived together for a year of two pooling money to pay of the other house and save up money to pay cash for major purchases (house, car). I'm all about being debt free. We haven't done too bad our van is paid for and Rachel's student loan is paid off that leaves us with just the house and my student loans. Like I said we aren't doing bad but still, we bought this house right before the real estate crash and even though we negotiated a good price, we were both laid off and our income is now less that half of what it was, and we've added 2+ members to the family. So ya we're lucky to have our asses. It is an old house and the costs for major repairs are just not possible without going further into debt. Something that is just more than we are able to stomach.

So really now it just seems like its a matter of buttoning up all the little projects that have been started and getting it on the market to see what will happen.

The list of what needs to be done on the house:
Finish painting the exterior.
Remodel upstairs bedroom.
basement ceiling.
New front entry (without tearing into what is already there too much, no sense in opening another can of worms).
Kitchen island and counter tops.
pantry shelving.
New linoleum for the kitchen and baths.
Dinning room floor. what the hell am I going to do about the dinning room floor?

Pretty daunting list if you ask me. But I have to start whittling away at that list and it has to start with the easiest indoor stuff for now since I think we might have some winter left in this very unwintery winter. So since next weekend is a traveling weekend up to the in-laws, my challenge is to do the pantry shelves after work this week.

That is on top of 3 early morning workouts and overtime at work so wish me luck and extra motivation. And like I said leave me a note if you happen to see this. Thanks for stopping by.