Saturday, January 30, 2010

Ready to Drop out

OK, so I'm pretty well laid up today due to some muscle spasms in my back and neck. Probably due to my awesome lifestyle of going to work and standing mostly in one spot, on concrete, for about 10 hrs per day, and then going home and vegging for the rest of the day.

Anyway being in pain always gets me thinking about better ways to live this life.

U know, the rat race herd of sheople[combination sheep + people] that most of us participate in.

What a waste it all seems if you sit for a minute and think about it. Why the heck is this way the norm? Why do we all fall in line trekking off in our cars every morning to go to jobs, running here and there for god knows what. A lot of us go into debt to get: our houses, our cars, our education? Then we spend the rest of our lives as slaves to the lenders. We spend all our energy working for rich people or companies to get some money to pay off our debts to other rich people or companies (banks).

And a lot of us have to spend our time making money at jobs that are horrible for us and that we hate.

Why not just stay out of debt. Most of us leave high school with little or no debt. Work at something and learn how to live. Why not spend our time working for ourselves, our own food, shelter, transportation, other needs.(Needs, another topic, what are real needs? will discuss this further in the future i promise.) I mean why do I spend 40 plus hrs at work working for money to pay for stuff when i could be working to provide the stuff that i need more directly. If I need food, why not spend a good portion of the day gardening and raising animals that provide food? If I need shelter and heat for the shelter why not spend another significant part of my time building energy efficient shelter and come up with a sustainable way to heat and power that shelter?

In times like these all I can think about is how great it would be to have a simple life where my responsibilities didn't really include money and debt. I wake up and do chores taking care of a few animals perhaps milk a cow or goat. Gather some eggs from the free range chickens. Feed the animals and the dog that watches over my small herd. Plant and weed the gardens that grow enough food to last my family the whole year long. Gather some wood that keeps my very efficient house warm on the coldest days. My whole day would be spent living and learning with my wife and children, working/providing for real needs as opposed to money. which doesn't rank very high on the list of needs if you have no debt and can provide every thing else for yourself. As you can see my work and responsibilities would be many and varied and infinitely more satisfying.

At least that is what I spend a good portion of my time dreaming about these days.

Days like these, I'm ready say the hell with it.
1. Sell the house and get out of debt.
2. Save up some money and supplies.
3. Find a cheap piece of rural land somewhere.
4. Buy it and put a cheap shelter down and or start building practical efficient home.
5. Get animals, chickens for eggs a cow or goats for milk
6. Live! Meals are cooked from scratch, food is gathered or harvested, The land is paid for the house is built and powered off the grid cheaply.

I mean really! Am I wrong? Am I missing something? Please tell me!

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