Saturday, January 8, 2011

Fitness blog

Well it's a new year and I'm sliding into my 37th year late this summer so my perceived need to be in good health and shape is unusually acute. And I'd like to document my journey back into fitness in this blog. The point of blogging it is mostly to hold myself accountable, but also to document the challenges and successes of how a not grossly obese ( although the gov. calls my bMI obese) mid thirties working class dad of two young boys gets his mojo back.

So here we go : first of the new year I'm 6'1" tall that won't change and tipping the scales at 252 lbs. My xl t-shirts are getting snug and seem shorter and I've grown out of all my size 36 jeans. My 38's are snug and I have stooped as low as to buy some 40 for work.

Where I want to be: Ten years ago I was a regular jogger and had worked my way down under 220 lbs. I felt pretty fit then I'd like to at least return to that point and likely surpass that. Also I just really want break into that box of smaller clothes that I have packed away and feel good wearing them again.

I plan to do this mainly by upping my activity level. And being more structured with my diet and time management

1 comment:

  1. Hahaha! looks like I started this blog about a year ago and the very first post happens to be about fitness which there are now a string of posts about recently. My last years fitness post is very different and my approach is different this time too, better be clearly last year had no effect. I plan to blog daily this year documenting my progress challenges and ideas along the way. Hopefully just the commitment of writing about it daily will be motivation to keep going and improve.
